Joining the Group

Unfinished Rewritten works on an application-based system. Information on joining is below. Keep in mind that the group is currently closed.

Group Openings

Unfinished Rewritten works on an "sporadic opening" system. When we feel we are steady enough to take in more members, we will open to the public. Otherwise, the group remains closed indefinitely.

The Application System

We operate on a character application system, meaning you must submit a written (and visual) application for your character in order to join the group. Additionally, this process must be repeated for every character you wish to use in the group. They must all be submitted, and there is a week cooldown between submitting characters.

You may submit 4 characters per faction, with there being 3 factions (including Unaligned) for a total of 12 characters ... but it is recommended to keep your roster small in order to avoid overwhelming yourself (and the staff team). Pace yourself!

Discord Server Link

Link to the Discord: N/A, the group is Closed.

During openings, you may join! You will be put in as a spectator. In order to speak in the server, you must introduce yourself in introductions. Then you will be given the guest role, be able to speak, and be allowed to submit a character to the group! You may also be given the member role early if you prove yourself trustworthy.